Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day Three and I'm not dead yet!

              Today was a day I wanted to stay in bed. Well I'm glad to say I didn't. I got up and had a healthy Egg Beater Omelet with spinach, green onion, and bell pepper along with grapes. It was just what I needed in my body to get up and hit the streets. I then loaded Griswald into his stroller and we went for a long walk/fast stroll. When we got home he was exhausted and went straight to bed. I of course jumped on my exercise bike and did what I have decided to call my" Rita Circuit". After the bike i got out my exercise mat and did my core exercises. Just looked at my pedometer and I have 8,000 steps and I'm feeling good. I got up out of my chair and walked during halftime of the Sacramento Kings basketball game and I never missed a thing. I maybe looked a little crazy but at this age who cares.

                I hope all of you were out there soaking in some of the great sunshine, breathing some of the fresh spring air , and just enjoying the day. It was a great one.

                I am always looking for healthy food sites and I found one today that might interest some of you. My girlfriend is trying to not eat  meat so off I went to find recipes and hints on how to accomplish that and still be satisfied. I found   I read that on March 20 that it is Meatout Day. I plan on not eating any meat products on March 20th in honor of Meatout Day. Hopefully some of you will join me.  I will be posting meatless recipes and if any of you have some please share them. I eat a lot of Morningstar Farms meatless products. I love their mock fried chicken patties, crumbles, and veggie patties. They all make great sandwich fillings. By the time I add whatever seasonings I want I can't tell the difference from real meat.

          Well I will close this out for now. Will be back tomorrow to share my 4th day of the Activity Challenge. I know I have to make working out a priority in my life just as much as eating right. I guess it's kind of like having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the peanut butter. It just doesn't work.


"When you are consistent in your healthy habits, magic is happening in your body and mind, even if the scale isn't moving."

                                                                Coach Nicole (spark people)


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